Sunday, March 29, 2009

My first set of Jokes and Riddles !!!

1.    Why did the rock struggle?

2.    Who eats medicines?

3.    Which country is famous for sandwiches?

4.    How do fish go to school?

5.    Which city do lions live?

6.    Which color likes to read?

7.    Which planet is married?

8.    Which planet is musical?

9.    Which planet is liquid?

10.       What is pirate’s favorite body part?

11.       Why do kids like power point?

12.       In which country do people fall?

13.       What is cow’s favorite fruit?

14.       What fruit do you call with?

15.       Which land can you not live in?

16.       What cannot be your pet?

17.       Which store does the hunter shoot his arrow at?

18.       Why did the children sitting on a tree stump feel dizzy?

19.       Why did the boy feel hot?

20.       Why was the boy afraid to eat chips?

21.       What does the fish use to buy food?

22.       How did the piano escape from jail?

23.       What instrument does a bullock play?

24.       Why did the cowboy like the salad?




1.    because it was hard

2.    ‘Pil’grims

3.    Turkey

4.    on a sea horse

5.    density (den city)

6.    red (past tense of read)

7.    Saturn (it has ring)

8.    Neptune

9.    Mercury

10.                   chest

11.                   because it has slides

12.                   Greece

13.                   ‘Straw’berry

14.                   blackberry

15.                   garland

16.                   carpet

17.                   Target

18.                   because they were on the ‘top’ (toy spinning top)

19.                   because he was a son (sun)

20.                   because he didn’t want to turn into a computer

21.                   sand dollar

22.                   it used its keys

23.                   horn

24.                   because it had ‘ranch’ dressing


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